Past Exhibitions
One-(Wo)man shows
- "Evenement Plastique" Gallery Pascal Janssens, Gent (B)
with V. Molnar, V. Röhm 31.01 - 30.05.2014
- "En parallere 3 artistes géométriques" - Gallery AKIÉ ARICHI, Paris
(19 March - 23 April) - "Le mouvement est inconnaissable" Gallery Aller Simple Longjumeau (F) with Gaël Bourmaud
- "LOST STEPS", UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands
- "Négyzet a négyzeten", (with V. Molnar and H-H. Glattfelder) Gallery B55, Budapest
- "Permutations" Espace des Femmes galerie, Paris France
- "Diversitiy in Unity" (with V. Molnar, M. Pan, V. Vasarely) Gallery Pascal Jansens, Gent, Belgium
- Totemrehívás, Modern Magyar Képtár, Vass László Gyűjtemény, Veszprém, Hungary
- "Judith Nem's (with Pal Horvath, Joel Froment and Gaël Bourmaud)" Galerie Olivier Nouvellet, Paris, France
- "TSUKUBA" , ICHARM, Tsukuba, Japán
- 3 artistes hongrois (Vera Molnar, Saxon Szász János), Conservatoire des Arts, Montigny, France
- Vérités inconnues Párizsi Magyar Intézet, France
- Vérités inconnues Galerie Emilia Suciu, Ettlingen, Germany
- Ritmus-KÉP-let: Hommage a Kurtág, Light&Loft Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
- SYSTEMArt, Galerie La Ligne, Zürich, Switzerland
- Centre d'art Géométrique, ORION, Párizs, Franciaország (with A. Borzobohaty és Yumiko Kimura)
- UNU-EHS egyetem, Bonn, Germany (permanent loan)
- SMK Kapos Art, Kaposvár, Hungary
- Art géométrique, Galeria Opus, Łódz, Poland
- Solo show, House of Arts, Pécs, Hungary
- L'Horizontalisme, Xántus János Museum - Patkó Collection, Győr and Kálvária Galéria, Szeged, Hungary
- Geometry, Glória Art Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
Group exhibitions
- "SZÓ és KÉP, WORD and IMAGE, WORT und BILD, MOT et IMAGE" OSAS/Vasarely Museum, Budapest (H), 6.02 - 27.04.2014
- ART KARLSRUHE 2013 - Gallery Emilia Suciu, Ettlingen
- "Geometries Croisees" Gallery ATELIER 28, Lyon
- "OSAS-Plusz" Vasarely Museum, Budapest, Hungary
- "Hommage a Vantongerloo av MADI" , Nattavaara-Akademin, Sarvisvaara, Sweden
- "Párizsi Kocka-II", Novaja Tretyakovszkaya galerija, Moscow, Russia
- Párizsi kocka, Abigail Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
- Transzparencia - átlátás / Transparency - Looking Through, OSAS , Vasarely Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary
- Art Fair Karlsruhe, Gallery Emilia Suciu, Ettlingen, Germany
- "GEOMIX", Gallery B55, Budapest, Hungary
- "MADI-Carmelo Arden Quin & Co", Musée(s) de Cholet, France
- CON - Cinetique, Optique, Numeric, Galerie Lavignes Bastille, Paris, France
- Galaxie des artistes MADI, Galerie Akié Arichi, Paris, France
- L'Angélus a 150 ans - 150 artistes réinterprétent Jean-Francois Millet, Barbizon, France
- Hommage a Bauhaus 90' , A22 Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
- Art Fair Karlsruhe, with Emilia Suciu Galerie, Ettlingen, Germany
- Winter group Show 2010, Galerie La Ligne, Zürich, Switzerland
- De geometrie van MADI, Stadhuis Gorinchem, Hollandia
- Konkrét konstruktivizmus Magyarországon, HCB Brüsszel, Belgium
- Le mouvement MADI, Gallery Frances Kamien, Brüsszel, Belgium
- Egy kis Amerika - A bit of America / OSAS mühely-atelier OSAS, Vasarely Muzeum, Budapest
- "Oltre la geometria" Al Blu di Prussia galleria, Nápoly, Olaszország
- "International MADI expositie rond Carmelo Arden Quin" De vierde Dimensie galleria, Plasmolen, Hollandia
- 63. Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral, Párizs, Franciaország
- Olivier Nouvellet Galéria Párizs, Franciaország
- Bauhaus 90', A22 galéria Budapest
- Hommage an das Quadrat, Werke aus der Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter 1915 bis 2009, Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Németország
- Exposition Anjou-Hongrie, Trois peintres hongrois, 8 artistes angevins, Hôtel Bessonneau - Angers, Franciaország
- Bichrome MADI, Montigny-le-Bretonneaux, Franciaország
- "ANJOU-HONGRIE", Hôtel Bessonneau Angers, France
- "40 Jahre Galerie St.Johann - Arbeiten auf Papier - Konkret", Gallery St Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany
- "Hommage an das Quadrat - Werke aus der Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter 1915 bis 2009" , Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany
- Winter-Show, Galerie La-Ligne, Zürich, Svájc
- Europa fara granite - timp in miscare, Muzeul Tarii Crisurilor, Nagyvárad, Románia;
- Konstruktive Kunst aus Ungarn, No 269, Galerie St Johann Saarbrücken, Németország
- Mouvement MADI International, Buenos Aires 1946-Paris 2008, Maison de l'Amérique latine, Párizs, Franciaország
- Kunst08ZÜRICH, Galerie La Ligne, Zürich, Svájc
- ART-KARLSRUHE 2008 Galerie Emilia Suciu, Ettlingen, Németország
- A próféták hazatérnek IV, Abigail Galéria, Budapest
- Réalités Nouvelles, 62. Szalon, Parc Floral, Párizs, Franciaország
- Konstruktiv Und Konkret, Galerie UngArt, CH , Bécs, Ausztria
- Dessin au Quartier Drouot, Galerie Drouart, Párizs, Franciaország
- Jöjjön velünk a jövöbe, International Kepes Society, Vychodoslovensky Galeria, Kosice, Slovakia
- Permanence de l'abstraction géométrique aux réalités nouvelles, Château Tours, France
- MADI-07, Galerie des Wantiers, Valenciennes, France
- Bienal de Arte Geométrico, Buenos Aires, Argentine
- Internationales Malersymposium - Europa grenzenlos ? - Zeit in Bewegung, Beratzhausen, Germany
- Exposition le mouvement MADI, Mairie du XXe arrond., Paris, France
- MADI Mobil3, Gallery Z, Bratislava, Slovakia
- SupreMADIsm, Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia
Galerie Orion, Centre d'art géométrique MADI, Paris, France - Neue Künstler, neue Werke. Galerie Emilia Suciu, Ettlingen, Germany
- Nyilt Strukturák - Open Structures Art Society, OSAS, Vasarely Muzeum
Budapest, Hungary - 60. Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral, Paris, France
- Monocrome, Centre d'art Géométrique ORION, Paris, France
- PACA/Patrimoine - Château la Tuffiere, Lué-en-Baugeois, France
- 26th Impact Art Festival, Kyoto Town Museum, Kyoto, Japan
- Sixth Light Symposium, Eger, Hungary
- 6th National Grotesque, Vaszary Képtár, Kaposvár and Budapest Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
- Réalités Nouvelles, 2005 59e Salon, Paris, France
- Mobile, Amovible, Coplanal, Articulable, Variable (MACAV), Galerie Orion
- Centre d'art géométrique MADI, Paris, France
- Hommage a Csiky, Lavotta Galéria, Sátoraljaújhely, Hungary
- 25th Impact Art Festival, Kyoto Town Museum, Kyoto, Japan
- Symmetry: Art and Science, 6th Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhibition, Budapest and Tihany, Hungary
- Trésors du XXe siecle dans les collections angevines, Salle Bessonneau, Angers, France
- Medallions sans frontieres, Institut Hongrois de Paris, Paris, France
- European Sculpture Garden, Kőkapu, Hungary
- New Geometry Group, International Museum of Modern Art Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
- IIIrd National Color-print Graphic Exhibition, House of Arts, Szekszárd, Hungary
- 5th National Grotesque: Half-made disasters, Vaszary Képtár, Kaposvár and Budapest Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
- Géométries Variables, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
- Contemporary prints, City Cultural Center, Kiskunhalas, Hungary
- Constructive Art in Europe, Galerie Hors Lieux, Strasbourg, France
- Constructive Art in Europe, Galerie Emilia Suciu, Ettlingen, Gemany
- 3rd International Post-Mail-Art Biennial, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
- Cyan Group, Vízivárosi Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
- 20x20: Small Pictures Festival, Fony, Hungary
- Original and/or Copy - International Telefax Exhibition, Berzsenyi Society, Csokonai Terem, Kaposvár, Hungary
- First International Objects-Book Biennial, Vasarely Museum, Budapest, Hungary
- Hommage a Bartók, UNESCO, Paris, France
- First International Object-Books Biennial, Győr, Hungary
- Happy Birthday M. Duchamp, Artpool, Budapest, Hungary
- 2nd Malaysia Annual Exhibition of International Contemporary Prints, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- International Print Triennal '97, Cracow, Poland
- 20x20: Small Pictures Festival, Fony, Hungary
- 2nd International Post-Mail-Art Biennial, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
- First International Collage Biennial, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
- First International Graphics Biennial, Budapest, Hungary
- Future Communication, Post Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
- IIIrd. International Grotesque Festival, Kaposvár, Hungary
- Parisiens Hongrois, Contact Point Hungary, Brüssels, Belgium
- International Copy Art Expo: 1st Electrographics Biennial, Gallery Art Beam, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- International Mini-Print Triennal, Tokyo, Japan
- 16. International Impact Art Festival '95, International Art Center, Kyoto, Japan
- International Post-Mail-Art Exhibition, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
- Bartók in Art, Museum for the History of Music, Budapest, Hungary
- World Theatre, Kaliningrad, Russia
- Hommage a Bartók, Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre, Hungary
- Paris-Seoul-Tokyo-New York, travelling exhibit, Hyundai Art Galery, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Mail Art, Post-Mail-Art, Institut Hongrois de Paris, France
- Art Expo, Budapest, Hungary
- International Print Triennal '94, Cracow, Poland
- Choosing your partner, Kunstmuzeum, Uppsala, Sweden
- 4th International Electrographics Biennial, Haus Ungarn, Berlin, Germany
- 2nd Electrographics Biennial, Vasarely Musuem, Budapest, Hungary
- Object-Books, Széchényi National Library, Budapest, Hungary
- Images de Sources Électroniques, Institut Hongrois de Paris, France
- 2nd International Graphics Biennial, Győr, Hungary
- Mail Art, Post-Mail-Art, Kassák Museum, Budapest, Hungary Art Travel, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Canada
Judith Nem's
Budapest, 1948
Joins the international art scene in Paris in 1992. From 1993 until 2000 she is co-editor of the art periodicals Parisiens Hongrois, Revue Enveloppe and Revue d'Art 90o, founded by Joseph Kadar, a Paris-based artist of Hungarian origin. Nem's takes part in organizing various international art biennals.
Post-Mail Art, as an independent effort, was launched in 1992 in Budapest on the occasion of an exhibition at the Kassák Museum. Nemes participated with a great number of mail art works displaying new potential directions. She remained continuously present at international Mail Art shows, for instance in Canada, The Netherlands, France, Hungary, Danemark and Sweden.
In 2000 she donated an important series of Mail Art works from her own collection to the International Mail-Art Museum in Hajdú-Bihar county, Hungary.
She was an active participant in the livre-objet (object-books) movement both as exhibitor and as organizer. Several museums have her livre-objets in their collection.
She was involved in a variety of graphic projects, such as electrographics, computer art and serigraphy, and exhibited at several relevant biennals, for instance in Berlin, Budapest, Hajdúszoboszló, Szombathely and Seoul, as well as at the Cracow International Print Triennials.
Working in the above branches of art was a sort of auxiliary activity next to painting - her main field. She paints abstract geometric images by the horizontal and vertical permutation of a finite number of unit visual elements. The seemingly simple permutations provide different emphases for each element; this effect is further amplified by the application of pure colors.
The paper works - such as painted paper reliefs fixed to a wooden base - balance between painting and sculpting. These works look like paintings from near but by distancing them and placing them into the three-dimensional space a new feeling is generated. This provides a totally different sensation under varying light conditions. The title of the paper reliefs refers to music as well as the search for symmetry and asymmetry, point and counter-point, rhythm and harmony.
In the spirit of the so-called Recup' Art, Nem's applies collage and painting on old boot-trees. These works are again at the interface of painting and three-dimensional space.
Recent works by Judith Nem's are presented in two subsequent volumes published in 2006 in Hungarian and English, as well as in German and French, respectively.
The artist lives in Paris.